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Navigating the festive season when trying to conceive

Many of us associate the festive season with boozy Christmas parties, eating mountains of festive food, indulging in sweet treats, spending time with cherished family and friends, late nights socialising, and soooo much more! This can be hard to navigate when you’re on your trying to conceive journey. We know that even before conception our lifestyle has a significant impact on our ability to achieve a successful pregnancy and the health of our future child so let’s make this period count.

Here are 5 tips to keep you on track throughout the festive season:

1. Feast on the fertility festive friendly-foods

The traditional Christmas spread is filled with lots of delicious nutrient dense foods. Some of which we don’t actually consume all year round. Loading your plate with fertility boosting festive foods is a great way to support you throughout this period. Stuffing and sweet treats are packed with nuts which are not only rich in protein but highly beneficial for fertility. Walnuts are particularly known for their beneficial effects on sperm health. Brussels sprouts are a must on your fertility friendly Christmas plate! These little cabbages for pixies are loaded full of fibre, vitamin A, B9, and C minerals and antioxidants. Don’t forget to top your turkey with a drizzle of homemade cranberry sauce. Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, E, K1, manganese and antioxidants.

2. Moderate the sweet treats

Remember balance is key so don’t deprive yourself of a slice of Christmas cake, cheese and biscuits or the occasional mince pie. These things in moderation are not going to stop you getting pregnant.

However, research has shown that consistently high sugar intake can negatively impact both male and female fertility. Refined carbs and sugary treats can elevate insulin in an attempt to stabilise blood glucose levels. This can impact ovulation and cause inflammation in the body potentially affecting our ability to achieve a successful pregnancy.

3. Swap the booze for non-alcoholic options

The recommendation from the UK Chief Medical Officers is that all women who are trying to conceive shouldn’t drink alcohol at all. This is mainly because women may not be aware when they have conceived. We know that alcohol consumption can negatively affects the

health of any unborn child. Studies have shown long-term, heavy alcohol use in men can result in reduced gonadotropin release, testicular atrophy, and decreased testosterone and sperm production The NHS recommends that men should drink no more than 14 IU units of alcohol per week.

Alcohol-free beverages are a great way to ward off any unwanted questioning from unaware family and friends, whilst allowing you to still feel part of the celebrations. There are so many non- alcoholic options available these days that taste and look almost exactly like the real deal.

4. Move your body

As we approach the holiday season many of us tend to fall of the exercise waggon and have that perspective that we will start again in the new year. Remember ‘consistency’, not perfection is key! In fact, the research shows that consistent exercise has a propound impact on female including reduced rates of anovulatory fertility, decreases the risk of miscarriage and increases the chance of a successful pregnancy in women going through assisted reproductive technologies.

Remember not to go to OTT as over exercising. High levels of high intensity exercise can impact ovulation and has been shown to reduce chances of achieving a successful pregnancy in those undergoing ART.

Obesity can affect male fertility and so consistent moderate exercise could support a man to be a healthy weight and improve sperm quality. Just be aware that high amounts of high in tensity exercise can have a negative impact on fertility.

5. Don’t Be afraid to say no!

The fear of saying no can sometimes hold us back from doing what we truly know is best for us. Don’t be afraid to turn down a boozy night out with friends for a night of selfcare. Or suggest alternative plans such as being the designated driver or having a girly night in.

You’re probably thinking this sounds super negative but saying no is putting you first. Going to an event or function that you feel is going to increase your stress levels or impact your health isn’t great for your fertility. So, saying no to this is actually saying yes to supporting you and your fertility journey!

Hopefully you have found these tips helpful. If you’re looking to achieve a successful pregnancy in the new year and want to gain more clarity on what you should and shouldn’t be doing. CLICK HERE to book in for a free 15 minute discovery call today and get a clear tailored strategy on to optimise your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy!


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